Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Became The Plastic.

Lindsay Lohan did a foolish action. Last month, she visited Tokyo for performing an ad. After she went to Tokyo, her face was changed. Many fans supposed that she had a plastic surgery in Tokyo.

This rumor is not first time to her. She constantly gets rumors of a cosmetic surgery. People think that she got her nose, breast and lips surgery.

Dr, Andrew Jacono, a NYC plastic surgeon, told that "Lindsay Lohan's upper lip has likely been filled." After she went to Tokyo, her lips became thicker.

Why did she do in Tokyo?
Recently, it was broadcasted about Dr. Takahashi. He is the famous plastic surgeon in Japan. He invented new technique and is using it. It is well known that the technique doesn't have side effects. It is supposed that she had a plastic surgery after she performed ad.

Unfortunately, she is 23-year-old, but she looks older than her age. She was beautiful, pretty and pure girl a few years ago. Now, she looks an old lady.

Why did she have a plastic surgery?
She has much desire. She was pretty, but she wants to be more beautiful. I think it was a big mistake. She became another person. When I see her, I can't think that they are a same person. It is totally different people.

She already had many plastic surgeries. Therefore, she became plastic person, doesn't she? Maybe, she won't stop the surgery. Not only Lindsay Lohan but also the other actresses do the plastic surgery. How can they stop the surgery?

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